2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Physical Education & Sport Science
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122 Memorial Hall
507.457.5200 or 507.457.5202, Fax: 507.457.5606
PESS website
Ray Martinez, Chairperson
Doug Callahan, Director Coaching Minor
Scott Ballard, Head Women’s Basketball Coach/Assistant Professor; BS, Missouri State University; MS, Drury University; 2004 -
Zachary Barton, Assistant Professor/Assistant Football Coach; BS, Bloomsburg University; MS, Winona State University; 2011 -
David Braun, Assistant Football Coach/Assistant Professor; BS, Winona State University; 2011 -
Douglas Callahan, Professor; BS, MA, University of Denver; PhD, University of Kansas; 2000 -
Brian Curtin, Assistant Football Coach/Assistant Professor; BS, MS, Winona State University; 2008 -
Emmanuel Felix, Assistant Professor; BS, University of California-Davis; MS, Northern Illinois University; PhD, Oregon State University; 2014 -
Joe Getzin, Assistant Professor/Head Women’s Volleyball Coach; BS, George Williams College; 2014 -
Chad Grabau, Assistant Professor; BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; PhD, University of Northern Colorado; 2008 -
Greg Jones, Assistant Professor; BS, UW-Eau Claire; 2001 -
Cameron Keller, Assistant Professor; BS, Hastings College; MS, American University; 2011 -
Michael Leaf, Associate Professor; BA, St. Mary’s College of Minnesota; BS, MA, MS, Winona State University; 1987 -
Raymond Martinez, Assistant Professor; BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; EdD, University of Northern Colorado; 2013 -
Tom Sawyer, Associate Professor; BS, MS, Winona State University; 1996 -
Don Wistrcill, Assistant Professor; BS, MS, Winona State University; 1990 -
Physical Education and Sport Science (PESS) exists within the College of Education and is under the Department of Education. Through traditional methods, the faculty prepare majors to become physical education teachers and coaches. The physical education major leads to a Bachelor of Science (teaching) degree. In addition, PESS offers numerous physical education courses that fulfill the 2-semester hour MnTransfer curriculum (MnTC) and General Education requirement for Physical Development and Wellness.
Career Opportunities
Graduates in the physical education major are employed as K-12 educators in private and public schools. Students can expand their career options by combining a health education major and a coaching minor and/or an adapted physical education licensure with the physical education major.
Career Opportunities
- BS Major: Physical Education (Teaching)
- BS Minor: Coaching
- Developmental Adapted Physical Education Licensure
Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Courses
Students majoring or minoring in PESS programs must take all courses in the major, minor, and options on a grade-only basis. Courses offered for pass/no credit-only or grade-only are so designated in the course descriptions. If no grading method is listed for a particular course in the course descriptions, the course may be taken for either grade or pass/no credit.
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