2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Composite Materials Engineering
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203 Stark Hall
Composite Materials Engineering website
Fariborz Parsi, Chairperson
Beckry Abdel-Magid, Professor; BS, University of Khartoum; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; 1990 -
Keith Dennehy, Professor; BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; MS, Youngstown State University; MBA, University of Utah; PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; 1990 -
Maryam Eslamloo-Grami, Professor; BS, MS, Shiraz University (Iran); PhD, University of California-Davis; 1993 -
Fariborz Parsi, Professor; BS, MS, PhD, University of South Carolina-Columbia; 1991 -
Saeed Ziaee, Professor; BS, PhD, University of Texas-Austin; 2003 -
The Department of Composite Materials Engineering offers the Bachelor of Science degree in composite materials engineering. Composites represent a new group of manufactured materials. These lightweight materials, which have high strength and stiffness, are formed by combining reinforcing fibers in a polymer, ceramic, or metal matrix. Over the past three decades, the use of composites has grown significantly in the following industries: aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, construction, electronics, marine, and sporting goods. The future for people educated in the engineering of composite materials is very promising.
The Composite Materials Engineering (CME) Program has been developed to meet the engineering needs of the composites industry and is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Graduates from this program will be prepared to practice engineering at a professional level and to enter the composites industry in positions that provide opportunities for professional growth. Graduates also will be prepared to enter graduate-level programs in composite materials and other related engineering disciplines.
The CME Program is the only accredited undergraduate program in the United States that offers a Bachelor of Science degree in composite materials engineering. Majors in the program may choose to focus on the design, analysis, and manufacture of composite structures (mechanical focus); or on the development, processing, and chemistry of the materials used in composites including fibers, matrices and fiber/matrix systems (chemical focus).
The mission of the CME Program is to develop creative minds and innovation in the field of composite materials through education, applied research, and scholarly pursuits in collaboration with the composites community and industry.
- The Educational Objectives of the CME Program are to prepare graduates to become engineers who:
- Apply their knowledge and expertise to develop innovative and effective solutions for the composites industry
- Communicate and work effectively in diverse environments
- Grow and develop professionally
- The Student Outcomes of the CME Program are demonstrated by students who have attained:
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
- An ability to identify, formulate, model and solve engineering problems
- An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary to practice composite materials engineering
- An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data related to structure, properties, processing, and performance of materials
- An ability to confidently design components, systems, and processes to meet the needs of the composites industry within a set of realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
- An ability to communicate effectively in oral, written and visual forms
- An ability to work effectively in a team environment
- An understanding of the proper response to ethical issues and their responsibility to the engineering profession
- An understanding of the impact of their engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- A knowledge of contemporary issues
- A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning
High School Preparation
The Department of Composite Materials Engineering recommends that high school preparation for the CME major include two years of algebra, one year of geometry, one-half year of trigonometry, one-half year of college algebra, as well as one year each of physics and chemistry. Without this background, it is unlikely that a student will be prepared to complete the degree requirements in four years. In addition, courses in industrial technology will be helpful.
Admission to the Program
Admission to the Composite Materials Engineering (CME) major is selective and is determined by the CME Admissions Committee. Before students can be considered for admission to the CME major, they:
- Must complete 4 S.H. of English composition, 3 S.H. of speech communication, and a minimum of 38 S.H. of required lower-division engineering, physics, mathematics, and chemistry courses. These courses can be taken at WSU or transferred from other institutions. However, courses with grades below “C” will not be accepted in transfer.
- Must have obtained a grade of “C” or higher in the courses required for admission into the CME major and have a minimum GPA of 2.5 in these required courses.
- Must not have more than a total of five repeats in the courses required for admission to the CME major, regardless of whether these courses were taken at WSU or transferred from other institutions.
Students will not be allowed to enroll in upper-division 300-level engineering courses until either they are admitted into the major or they are granted special permission from their Department of Composite Materials Engineering major advisor.
Probation Policy
CME majors will be placed on probation if their previous semester’s GPA in courses required for the major falls below 2.0 or if they do not complete at least one course in the major each semester. Students will be disqualified from the major if they have been on probation for two consecutive semesters or for three non-consecutive semesters after admission to the major. Petition for reinstatement will be considered by the Department of Composite Materials Engineering.
General Education Requirements
The General Education requirements for CME majors consist of 46 S.H. distributed across the ten General Education Goal Areas. These include the courses listed below under goal areas 1-4 (total of 31 S.H.) and one 3 or 4 S.H. in each of goal areas 5-10 (a minimum of 15 S.H.). At least one course should be dually listed in goal areas 5-10. In addition, 12 S.H. of intensive courses are required; these courses are shown under intensives section. Note: Students who receive a waiver from certain General Education courses must take an equal number of credit hours of elective courses to meet the 128-credit requirement. View the General Education Program for CME Majors for more information.
FE Exam Requirement
In addition to the successful completion of the required courses, the student must also take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam prior to graduation.
Grade Requirements
Except for foreign language and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) courses, all WSU courses taken for credit toward the Bachelor of Science degree in Composite Materials Engineering must be taken for a letter grade. In foreign language courses, students may obtain a grade of “P” (pass) either by passing an exam or by successfully completing upper-level foreign language courses.
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