Sep 23, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions include the following elements:

Course Code, Number, and Titles: The course code indicates the department or program in which the course is housed. The course number indicates the level at which the course should be taken. Generally, first-year students take 100-level courses; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; and seniors, 400-level. Students are required to limit course selection to courses not more than one level above their class standing. First-year students are not permitted to enroll in 400-level courses. Undergraduate students who need 12 or fewer semester credits to complete all baccalaureate degree requirements may request permission from the Director of Graduate Studies to take courses for graduate credit to complete a regular course load during the semester of  graduation. However, undergraduate students may not enroll in courses at the 600-level or 700-level.

Credits: The number of semester hours of credit given upon completion of the course.

Course Content: A brief description of subject matter gives students an idea of what to expect in the course.

Prerequisites: If required or recommended, a prerequisite is either a course that must be completed prior to enrolling in the course or some other requirement that must be met prior to enrolling in the course.

Grading Method: If a course is offered on a grade-only or pass/no credit-only basis, that status is included in the course description. A department’s general pass/no credit policy is included in its listing of program requirements. Students should check the policy before enrolling in a course on a pass/no credit basis.

Frequency of Offering: Course descriptions may indicate how often the course is offered.


◎ = Oral Intensive

◆ = Math/Critical Analysis Intensive

△ = Writing Intensive

✽ = Physical Development and Wellness Graduation Requirement

= Civic Engagement and Service Learning



  • STAT 320 - Statistical Quality Control

    (3 credits)

    An introduction to the basic philosophy of quality control and statistical tools used in quality control. Tools to include control charts, Ishikawa fishbone charts, Pareto charts, histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, and dot plots. There will be industrial case studies and tours of local industries (when available). Prerequisite: An introductory statistics course (preferably STAT 210 - Statistics ). Grade or P/NC. Offered fall semester alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 321 - Industrial Design of Experiments I

    (3 credits)

    An introduction to applications of statistical methods used by industrial researchers to aid in the solution of certain types of industrial problems. Methods to include analysis of means, analysis of variance, factorial designs, fractional factorial (screening) designs. There will be industrial case studies and actual (hands-on) experience at local industries (when available). Prerequisite: An introductory statistics course (preferably STAT 210 - Statistics  or STAT 303 - Introduction to Engineering Statistics ). Grade or P/NC. Offered spring semester.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 322 - Industrial Design of Experiments II

    (3 credits)

    A second course in experimental design methods in industry. Topics may include empirical model building, review of factorial and fractional factorial designs, process improvement with steepest ascent, analysis of response surfaces, experimental designs for fitting response surfaces, Taguchi’s robust parameter designs, experiments with mixtures. Prerequisite: STAT 321 - Industrial Design of Experiments I  or instructor’s permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 355 - Nonparametric Statistics

    (3 credits)

    Statistical methods based on runs, the empirical distribution function and ranks. Topics will include one and two sample tests, ANOVA, goodness of fit tests, rank regression, correlation, and confidence intervals. Both applications and theory emphasized. Prerequisite: STAT 110 - Fundamentals of Statistics  or STAT 210 - Statistics . Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ STAT 395 - Professional Skill Development for Statistics

    (2 credits)

    This course will develop skills necessary to become a working professional in the field of statistics. Students will critique, analyze, and evaluate several statistics research projects. A student’s presentation, writing, and professional skills will be enhanced in this course. Prerequisites: Completion of GOAL 1 requirements, △ STAT 360 - Regression Analysis  or STAT 365 - Experimental Design and Analysis , or permission of instructor. Grade or P/NC. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 488 - Statistics Projects

    (1-6 credits)

    Practical experience working on real problems under the supervision of a faculty member experienced in statistics. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 489 - Special Topics

    (1-3 credits)

    Exposure to statistical topics not included in other courses. Prerequisite: Determined by topics. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 490 - Independent Problems in Statistics

    (1-4 credits)

    An opportunity for continued study of selected topics. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • STAT 492 - Practicum in Statistics

    (3-6 credits)

    Provides the student with experience and training in statistical techniques. The student will work a minimum of 100 hours (3 credits) or a minimum of 200 hours (6 credits) on a job utilizing statistics. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration


Student Teaching

  • ◎ EDST 460 - Elementary Education with Early Childhood Student Teaching

    (1-16 credits)

    A capstone student teaching experience. One full semester of student teaching on a daily, full-time basis in an appropriate educational school setting. Prerequisites: All professional courses required for the major. P/NC only. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ EDST 464 - K-6 Student Teaching

    (1-16 credits)

    One full semester of student teaching on a full-day basis in a middle school. Prerequisites: All professional courses required for the major. P/NC only. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ EDST 465 - Student Teaching - Senior High School K-12 Specialty

    (1-16 credits)

    A capstone student teaching experience. One full semester of student teaching on a daily, full-time basis in an appropriate educational school setting. Prerequisites: All professional courses required for the major. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ EDST 467 - Student Teaching - Early Childhood (Birth to Grade 3)

    (1-16 credits)

    Supervised teaching in two (2) Early Childhood placements. Prerequisites: All professional courses required for the major. P/NC only. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ EDST 469 - Global Student Teaching

    (1-18 credits)

    This is a capstone student teaching experience. Student teachers are assigned a domestic/international school placement based on licensure level. This capstone experience is for one full semester on a daily full-time basis. Prerequisites: Completion of all coursework required for major. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ EDST 470 - Middle Level Student Teaching

    (1-5 credits)

    A capstone student teaching experience. Four-six weeks of student teaching in a middle school on a daily, full-time basis in an appropriate educational school setting for middle level minor. Prerequisites: All professional courses required for the major. P/NC only. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

Sustainability Studies

  • SUST 150 - Special Topics in Sustainability

    (1-3 credits)

    A course that explores topics and problems from an introductory sustainability perspective. Sustainability concepts considered include some or all of the following: energy conservation and renewable energy, climate and water, food security, and transportation. The specific topic will be chosen by the instructor and announced before registration. Meets GOAL 10. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants. Repeatable as topics change.

    Course Registration

  • SUST 301 - Energy and Sustainable Living

    (3 credits)

    Participants in this class will have a broad exposure to issues in sustainability. They will learn the basic ways to conserve energy and will learn about small scale renewable energy including information about current and emerging technology, site suitability, system sizing, and financial incentives that are available. The student will also learn about alternative building options, ways to green up the home or business, and alternative transportation options. Finally, this class will present information about emerging green jobs. This class will be taught online as well as having a contextual field component. Field trip required. Meets GOAL 9. Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • SUST 399 - Sustainability Internship

    (1-6 credits)

    Supervised experience in a business, governmental agency, or non-profit organization designed by the WSU Sustainability faculty member, the work supervisor, and the student to achieve sustainability goals for the organization. Prerequisites: Sustainability minor and instructor permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered fall, spring, and summer terms. Note: Students may take up to 3 credits for a grade; otherwise P/NC.

    Course Registration

  • SUST 420 - Sustainability and Environmental Citizenship

    (3 credits)

    The primary objective of this course is to provide an overview of sustainability with an initiation to systems thinking, a powerful toolset for understanding and solving complex problems. Topics include environmental anthropology, systems thinking, sustainability of water resources, sustainable food and agriculture, and the sustainable business enterprise. By completing this course, students will gain interdisciplinary skills that can be applied for effective environmental citizenship in a plural society. Prerequisites: ENG 111 - College Reading and Writing  or equivalent and completion of at least one course from the Natural Science core of the Sustainability minor. Grade only. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • △ SUST 495 - Research in Sustainability

    (1-3 credits)

    Students conduct research in sustainability under the direction of a faculty supervisor. A formal research report is required. Time is arranged with research advisor. Prerequisites: declared sustainability minor and instructor permission. Grade only. Offered fall, spring, and summer terms. Repeatable.

    Course Registration

Theatre and Dance

  • THAD 090 - THAD Showcase

    (0 credits)

    Once-weekly sessions present creative work in theatre and dance courses, critiques of productions, discussions of professional, educational, and employment issues. P/NC only. Offered each semester. Repeatable. Passing (P) grade in 6 enrollments normally required of theatre majors; 4 of theatre minors and dance minors.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 100 - Theatre Activities

    (1 credit)

    Active participation in a major theatre or dance production as performer or in scenic studio or costume studio. Course is intended for non-theatre majors. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade or P/NC. Offered each semester. Repeatable up to 6 credits.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 107 - Introduction to Technical Theatre

    (3 credits)

    Study of non-performance aspects of theatre for theatre and general students. Course contains service hour requirement. Attendance at department productions is required. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Corequisite: THAD 291 - Rehearsal and Performance  (required for THAD majors and minors). Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 111 - Theatre Appreciation

    (3 credits)

    Designed for the general student who wishes to become familiar with theatre. Students will explore theatre through class lectures and discussion, individual and group projects, production attendance, and play readings. Students will be expected to attend theatre productions outside scheduled class time.  Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade or P/NC. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 115 - Dance Appreciation

    (3 credits)

    Analysis and appreciation of diverse theatrical dance styles and and world dance traditions within their cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts. Emphasis on active learning, collaboration, and kinesthetic response to the dance experience via live performance, video, movement, and writing. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts) and GOAL 8. Grade or P/NC. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 119 - Play Analysis

    (3 credits)

    Study and applications of analytical methods to modern theatrical styles; introduction to relationships between designers, directors, and performers and to research methods and library resources in theatre. Offered for the general student and the major/minor.  Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade or P/NC. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 125 - Meditation Practice

    (1 credit)

    Students learn how to practice mindfulness meditation as a lifelong skill for personal development and integration. This course is designed to provide students with knowledge, skills, and support for independent practice. Grade only. Offered at least once annually. Repeatable up to 8 credits.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 131 - Performance I for Everyone

    (3 credits)

    Practice in and integration of movement and voice in expressive performance through solo and group improvisation and collaborative work. Offered for the general student and the major/minor. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). P/NC only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 132 - Beginning Acting

    (3 credits)

    Beginning acting class for majors and non-majors. This course, based primarily in the Stanislavski system, teaches students the principles of play and character analysis as applied to various types of dramatic materials.  Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 137 - Dance Repertory I

    (1-2 credits)

    Rehearsal and performance for faculty and guest artist choreography. Student choreographers under direct faculty supervision may also enroll.. Prerequisite: Audition or instructor’s permission. Grade only. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 141 - Oral Interpretation

    (3 credits)

    Study of prose, poetry, and drama through performance. Brings to life the printed symbol.  Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade or P/NC. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 151 - Tap Dance

    (1 credit)

    An introduction to tap technique emphasizing musicality, expression, and style in performance within its cultural and historical context. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 153 - Jazz Dance I

    (1 credit)

    An introduction to the basic movement techniques, styles, history, and music of contemporary jazz dance. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 155 - Contemporary Dance Practice I

    (1 credit)

    This course is an introduction to the theory, technique, terminology, and history of contemporary dance practice as a performing art. The focus of expressive movement training is enhanced through experiences with improvisation and choreography. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 157 - Ballet I

    (1 credit)

    An introduction to classical ballet technique, theory, and history as a performing art. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 190 - Dance Workshop

    (1-2 credits)

    Introductory theory and lab course studying a specific dance form/modality as embodied practice, creative endeavor and intellectual discipline. Topics and course credits vary. Grade or P/NC. Offered annually. Repeatable up to four times as topics change.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 195 - Topics in Theatre

    (1-3 credits)

    Lower-division version of THAD 395 - Topics in Theatre . Study of a specific topic in dramatic theory/literature/history, performance, or theatrical design/stagecraft. Topics and course credits vary. Course may contain production crew requirement, attendance at productions, and additional course fees. This course does not satisfy the “Topics” requirement in the theatre major curriculum. Grade only. Offered annually. Repeatable as topics change.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 205 - Make Up for the Performer

    (1 credit)

    Study of design and execution of traditional and non-traditional theatrical make up for the performer. Each student must purchase a personal theatrical make up kit to instructor’s specifications. Offered for the general student and the major/minor. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 207 - Design Communication

    (3 credits)

    The study and practice of the aesthetic principles and graphic skills involved in scenery, lighting, and costume design. Development of the student’s abilities in external research, mechanical drawing, freehand sketching, and rendering. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of THAD 107 - Introduction to Technical Theatre  and THAD 119 - Play Analysis  or instructor’s permission. Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 209 - Stage Management

    (1 credit)

    Study and practice of the functions of a stage manager. Grade or P/NC. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 215 - Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis

    (3 credits)

    Introduction to the theoretical and experiential movement system of Laban Movement Analysis. Provides a framework for observing, describing, and analyzing human movement patterns and understanding non-verbal actions and communication. Grade only. Offered occasionally. Note: Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts) through Fall 2021 only.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 222 - Dancescape

    (1-2 credits)

    Participants in this course will dance, perform, or contribute as an artistic collaborator in new works created by faculty mentored student choreographers. Dances range from solo to large ensemble works and will be presented in a public venue. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Prerequisite: audition or instructor permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered annually. Repeatable up to 4 times.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 239 - Creative Dramatics for Children

    (2 credits)

    Study and application of techniques that enable teachers and group leaders to guide others to imagine, enact, and reflect upon human experiences through dramatic activity. Grade only. Offered occasionally.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 253 - Jazz Dance II

    (2 credits)

    A continuation of Jazz Dance I with more extensive techniques, terminology, history, and music, emphasizing the refinement of skills in contemporary jazz dance. The course will deepen conceptual understandings in various jazz styles and will include elements of performance and choreography. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Prerequisite: ✽ THAD 153 - Jazz Dance I  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 255 - Contemporary Dance Practice II

    (2 credits)

    This advanced beginning level course is a further exploration of the theory, technique, terminology, and history of contemporary dance practice as a performing art. The focus of expressive movement training is enhanced through experiences with improvisation and choreography. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Prerequisite: ✽ THAD 155 - Contemporary Dance Practice I  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • ✽ THAD 257 - Ballet II

    (2 credits)

    A continuation of Ballet I with more extensive classical ballet technique, theory, and history. The course will develop skills in choreography and performance. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Prerequisite: ✽ THAD 157 - Ballet I  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 290 - Creativity across the Curriculum

    (2 credits)

    Study and practice of skills to improve teaching and learning; the emphasis is on creative thinking, bringing information to life and fostering conditions favorable to participatory learning. Grade or P/NC. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 291 - Rehearsal and Performance

    (1 credit)

    Responsible work as performer, crew head, or running crew on the creation of theatrical productions for public presentation. Grade only. Offered each semester. Repeatable. Theatre majors typically repeat up to 6 credits; theatre minors up to 2 credits.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 295 - Making Interdisciplinary Connections

    (3 credits)

    Interdisciplinary experience involving one or more artistic media incorporating content from diverse disciplines across campus. Topics vary. Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 331 - Acting III

    (3 credits)

    Theories and practice of acting in non-realistic styles. Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of THAD 231 - Acting II  and all other prerequisite courses. Open to declared theatre majors and minors only. Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 355 - Contemporary Dance Practice III

    (2 credits)

    An intermediate level course focusing on technique, theory, and history of contemporary dance practice as a performing art. Level III engages more in-depth skill development in technique, performance, improvisation, and choreography. Prerequisite: ✽ THAD 255 - Contemporary Dance Practice II  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 357 - Ballet III

    (2 credits)

    The practice and study of intermediate classical ballet technique with continued refinement of movement skills and aesthetic awareness. The course includes more extensive ballet history and further develops skills in choreography and performance. Prerequisite: ✽ THAD 257 - Ballet II  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 392 - Audition Techniques

    (3 credits)

    Advanced performance class for majors and minors. This course teaches the practices and skills needed to prepare the actor for various audition expectations and situations. Prerequisites: THAD 119 - Play Analysis , THAD 132 - Beginning Acting , or instructor permission. Grade only. Offered alternate years. Repeatable twice.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 395 - Topics in Theatre

    (1-4 credits)

    Study of a specific topic in dramatic theory, literature, history, performance, or theatrical design/stagecraft. Topics and course credits vary. Course may contain production crew requirement. Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor permission. Open to declared majors and minors or instructor permission. Grade or P/NC. Offered annually. Repeatable as topics change.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 399 - Internship

    (1-16 credits)

    Supervised work experience designed by student, advisor, and employer. Prerequisites: Faculty advisor’s permission and a minimum overall GPA of 2.5. Open to declared theatre and dance majors and minors only. P/NC only. Offered by arrangement.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 455 - Contemporary Dance Practice IV

    (2 credits)

    An intermediate advanced level course focusing on technique, theory, and history of contemporary dance practice as a performing art. Level IV develops advanced skill levels in technique, performance, improvisation, choreography, and applied theory. Prerequisite: THAD 355 - Contemporary Dance Practice III  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 457 - Ballet IV

    (2 credits)

    The practice and study of advanced classical ballet technique with continued refinement of movement skills and aesthetic awareness. The course includes more extensive ballet history and further develops skills in choreography and performance. Prerequisite: THAD 357 - Ballet III  or instructor permission. Grade only. Repeatable once.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 495 - Theatre Senior Seminar

    (1 credit)

    Review, editing, organization, and submission of theatre major portfolio. Prerequisites: Senior standing and satisfactory completion of 35 credits of theatre major curriculum. Grade only. Offered annually.

    Course Registration

  • THAD 499 - Independent Studies in THAD

    (1-8 credits)

    Offers the advanced student an opportunity to study independently in an area of special interest. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Grade only. Offered by arrangement. Repeatable up to 8 credits.

    Course Registration

Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies

  • WGSS 140 - Topics in the Humanities

    (3 credits)

    This course is designed to explore the nature and scope of the human experience. It will explore the search for meaning and value in human life by examining its expression in cultural forms and texts, literature and the arts. The topics will vary but will often take an interdisciplinary approach to the subject. Meets GOAL 6 (Humanities). Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 148 - Introduction to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies

    (3 credits)

    This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary study of women and gender in society. The course, which is team-taught by faculty from different disciplines, examines women’s social roles and contributions in various social groups, cultures, and areas of the globe; this course explores gender as a socially constructed category of human experience. It introduces students to feminism, both as a body of theory and as an approach to social change.  Meets GOAL 5 and GOAL 7. Grade or P/NC. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 150 - Insights and Implications

    (3 credits)

    In this course, students will investigate a current issue using diverse perspectives within an interdisciplinary framework. Students will apply those perspectives along with interdisciplinary information to discussions, written work, and to a term project focused on a contemporary issue related to a specific topic. Course topics will vary. Meets GOAL 9. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 220 - Intersections of Privilege and Power

    (3 credits)

    Explores the social construction of differences at the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and nation to maintain systems of power and privilege. We will also examine the importance of activism and social movements as mechanisms of resistance. Meets GOAL 7 and GOAL 9. Grade or P/NC. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 225 - Advocacy and the Advocate

    (3 credits)

    This course will introduce the models of advocacy, the need for advocacy work, role of the advocate, and the types of advocacy, as well as the unique issues of self-care related to professional advocacy work. This course will define wellness and describe the barriers to wellness, including those inherent in the intersections of sex, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and ability. This course will engage those from an interdisciplinary perspective. Meets GOAL 9. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 230 - Queer Cinema in the United States

    (3 credits)

    The historical/rhetorical study of queer cinema in the United States provides a distinct opportunity to analyze the persuasive influence of film on the cultural constructions of sexuality and gender during the 20th and early 21st centuries. Students will view and discuss queer films presented in the United States spanning the time period from the early 1900’s to the present day.  Meets GOAL 6 (Humanities) and GOAL 7. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 233 - Introduction to LGBTQ Studies

    (3 credits)

    This interdisciplinary course offers an introduction to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender studies. A variety of texts - personal accounts of people who identify as GLBT, media representations, historical accounts of the movement for gay rights, and scholarly articles about GLBT issues from disciplines such as law and biology - will be used to teach students to critically examine GLBT issues. In readings, writings, and discussions in the course, students will learn background information about GLBT people and issues and acquire the skills necessary to thoughtfully evaluate evidence, rhetoric, and argument in discussions of topics related to the GLBT community.  Meets GOAL 7 and GOAL 9. Grade or P/NC. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 234 - Gender and Latin American Society through 20th Century Literature

    (3 credits)

    Latin American literature conveys a vibrant sense of social history and nuanced perspective of gendered realities. This course will explore 20th century writers from Chile, Uruguay, and El Salvador as a means to better comprehend the underlying worldviews, social structure, and gender relations. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 235 - Gender and Social Justice Issues in Latin America

    (3 credits)

    This course demonstrates how ordinary women have had transformational roles in the social and political spheres of their countries. It will explore how women have chosen to participate in collective action in Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico to address human rights issues and how family values can become a part of public life. Recommended prerequisite: SOC 150 - Introduction to Sociology . Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 320 - Independent Readings

    (1-3 credits)

    This course allows students to pursue a project or topic of their own design with supervision and evaluation by the instructor. Instructor’s written permission is required. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 348 - Topics in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies

    (3 credits)

    This course presents an in-depth study of topics of current interest in the field of Women’s and Gender Studies. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration

  • WGSS 405 - Gender, Violence, and Society

    (4 credits)

    This course introduces students to the roots of gender-based violence along with the political and cultural structures that perpetuate it; the course also explores how this violence might be brought to an end. Students will investigate the local and global impact of violence; how gendered violence intersects with race, class, sexuality, age, physical ability, and the oppressions that are linked to these identities; and strategies for addressing gender-based violence. Grade or P/NC. Offered when demand warrants.

    Course Registration


World Language


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