Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ART 502 - The Psychology of Art and Art Education

    (3 S.H.)

    Exploration of topics related to human behavior and the production and appreciation of visual art forms. The prospective art teacher’s understanding of the subject of art and effective instruction for K12 learners are further concerns. Theories of perception, learning and the creative processes are examined as they pertain to: visual thinking, aesthetic perception and judgment, artistic motivations, art concept learning, formal and semantic organization, artistic styles, cognitive development, instructional strategies, art teacher/learner dynamics, learning environment, evaluation of learning, and media process in studio art. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as ART 402. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: ART 109 recommended, ART 300 and junior standing. (See undergraduate catalog.) Offered alternate years. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • ART 512 - Multimedia Crafts for the Classroom

    (3 S.H.)

    An intensive and extensive art education laboratory experience affording the prospective art teacher opportunities to become familiar with advanced art studio processes that produce crafts outcomes across several media, including contemporary and experimental media. The scope of learning content extends beyond the basic crafts processes introduced in Art 300. Applicable for Minnesota Licensure in Art. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as ART 412. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: ART 300. (See Undergraduate catalog.) Offered alternate years. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • ART 600 - Current Trends in Art Education

    (2 S.H.)

    Review of current trends in art programs, examination and study of state, city, and county art guides adopted in the past five years. New developments in art education, review of current periodical articles concerned with experimental programs. Arranged offering. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • ART 603 - Implementing Visual Arts Learning in the Elementary Classroom

    (2 S.H.)

    Objectives, strategies for increasing perceptual awareness in art production/appreciation. Prerequisites: ART 300. (See Undergraduate Catalog.) Arranged offering. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • ART 650 - Special Problems in Art

    (2 S.H.)

    Independent study in the solution of a problem related to the individual students field of special interest. Problems course may be repeated up to a total of six credit hours. Arranged offering. Grade only.

    Course Registration


  • BIOL 504 - Ichthyology

    (3 S.H.)

    An introduction to the anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, evolution, and taxonomy of fishes. Lecture, laboratory, and fieldwork. Prerequisites: BIOL 308, BIOL 310, and BIOL 312, or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years. Letter grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 505 - Fishery Biology

    (3 S.H.)

    Examination of the concepts, methodologies and problems of modern-day fishery management. Lecture and fieldwork. Prerequisites: BIOL 308, BIOL 310 and BIOL 312, or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 520 - Limnology

    (4 S.H.)

    Analysis of the geological, physical, chemical and biological aspects of inland waters. Lecture, laboratory and fieldwork. Prerequisites: BIOL 308, BIOL 310, BIOL 312 and CHEM 212 or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 525 - Animal Behavior

    (3 S.H.)

    A study of how and why animals behave in the ways they do. Special attention is given to the observation and description of behavior and to the ensuing questions of immediate causation, development, evolution and function of behavior. Lecture and demonstration. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as BIOL 425. See Undergraduate Catalog.  Prerequisites: MATH 308, MATH 310 and MATH 312. (See Undergraduate Catalog.) Offered alternate years. Grade or P/NC.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 530 - Molecular Biology

    (3 S.H.)

    This course provides an in depth investigation of the different molecules essential for proper cellular function.  An emphasis will be placed on following specific molecules and mechanisms involved in gene expression how they relate to development and human disease.  DNA, RNA and protein structure will be examined and as well as their roles in genome organization and gene expression.  Experimental techniques used in Molecular Biology Labs as well as in Biotechnology will also be covered.  Prerequisites: BIOL 241, BIOL 308, BIOL 310 and CHEM 340 or CHEM 350; or permission of instructor. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 545 - Immunology

    (3 S.H.)

    An introduction to the theory and practice of modern immunology. Emphasis on the immune response in humans. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as BIOL 445. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: MATH 308, MATH 310 and CHEM 340. (See Undergraduate Catalog.) Offered yearly. Grade or P/NC.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 560 - General Parasitology

    (3 S.H.)

    An introduction to the study of parasites of humans and domestic animals, and the etiology of associated pathologic states. Lecture and laboratory. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as BIOL 460. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: MATH 308, MATH 310 and CHEM 340. (See Undergraduate Catalog.) Offered yearly. Grade or P/NC. P/NC option for non-biology majors/minors only.

    Course Registration

  • BIOL 570 - Histology

    (4 S.H.)

    A microscopic study of animal cells, tissues, and organs and correlating structure and function. Emphasis is placed on the mammal. Laboratory includes microtechniques and histochemistry and the analysis of electromicrographs. Lecture and laboratory. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as BIOL 470. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: MATH 308, MATH 310, CHEM 212, and CHEM 213. (See Undergraduate Catalog.) Offered yearly. Grade or P/NC.

    Course Registration

Business Education

  • BUED 510 - Administrative Communication

    (3 S.H.)

    Leadership communication for personnel at all organizational levels. An emphasis on spoken communication includes such topics as persuasive proposals, presentations, and case analysis; meeting management; visual briefing; and multimedia and communication technology applications. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BUED 512 - Team Building

    (1-3 S.H.)

    Introduces teamwork concepts and skills as a collaborative approach to improved performance. Covers structural and process attributes of teams with the objective of enhancing team leader and participant effectiveness; focuses on designing and implementing an effective system, blending individual and team performance. Team participation skills applied to collaborative class activities. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BUED 540 - Training and Employee Development

    (3 S.H.)

    An overview of the training and development field with an emphasis on the systems approach to training program design. Focuses on the key phases of training program development: reassessment, needs analysis, design implementation, and evaluation. Includes the principle of instructional design using the experiential learning approach. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BUED 541 - Training Techniques and Media

    (3 S.H.)

    Instructional techniques, methods and multimedia to use for effective employer-based learning delivery systems. Topics include trainer styles, training structures and formats, instructional presentation skills, training aids and technology, and computer-based training. A skills-based approach to effective training for adult learners. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BUED 552 - Managing Training and Development Programs

    (3 S.H.)

    Specific subject matter is arranged by the BUED faculty. May be repeated when offered with different subject matter content and title. Offered when demand warrants. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • BUED 570 - Seminar in Training and Education for Business

    (1-3 S.H.)

    Specific subject matter is arranged by the BUED faculty. May be repeated when offered with different subject matter content and title.
    Offered when demand warrants. Grade only.

    Course Registration


  • CHEM 500 - Biochemistry I

    (4 S.H.)

    Introduction to the chemistry of living organisms; emphasis on the structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids; enzymatic catalysis, thermodynamics, control and integration of metabolic processes; nucleotide metabolism and expression and transmission of genetic information. Prerequisite: CHEM 340 or CHEM 350 and CHEM 412 (or instructor’s permission). Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CHEM 525 - Analytical Chemistry I

    (4 S.H.)

    An introduction to modern analytical chemistry. A study of the theory and practice of the quantitative examination of chemical systems. Course covers experimental design, statistics appropriate for chemists, and volumetric and fundamental visible spectrophotometric methods. Prerequisites: one year of undergraduate chemistry. Not appropriate for students who have already completed an undergraduate quantitative analysis course. Offered yearly. Grade Only. Note: Effective Spring 2014.

    Course Registration

Communication Studies

  • CMST 599 - Independent Studies in Communication Studies

    (1-6 S.H.)

    Offers advanced students an opportunity to study independently in an area of special interest to them. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as CMST 499. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: instructor’s permission. Offered on demand. Grade only.

    Course Registration

Counselor Education

  • CE 532 - Stress Management

    (3 S.H.)

    This course will provide an introduction to important concepts, issues, skills, and interventions related to the identification and management of personal stress. Offered classroom, hybrid, or online. P/NC or letter grade.

    Course Registration

  • CE 534 - Human Relations and Diversity

    (3 S.H.)

    The purpose of this course is to: (1) promote student growth and development through the learning and practice of basic communication and helping skills; (2) study cultural diversity as it relates to human relations and communication; (3) examine gender and sexual orientation in terms of human relations and communication; and (4) address human relations and communication as they relate to special populations (persons with disabilities, older adults, economically disadvantaged individuals, children, etc.). Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 550 - Addiction Counseling: Introduction to the Field

    (3 S.H.)

    Students explore the fundamental principles of addictions counseling from a wide range of perspectives. These include the psychopharmacological aspects of alcohol and other commonly abused drugs, along with theories and assessments of addictive disorders. Many treatment models are considered, and are examined in the context of individual, group, and family therapy perspectives. The course also addresses the research literature on codependence, COA’s, AA and other 12-step programs, dual diagnosis, relapse, prevention, and multicultural and gender issues. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 552 - Nicotine Addiction and Cessation

    (2 S.H.)

    This course provides an overview of nicotine addiction, current treatment approaches and relapse prevention. This course is appropriate for students of counseling and the helping professions and for those interested in exploring their own nicotine cessation. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 555 - Addiction Counseling: Psychopharmacology

    (2 S.H.)

    Addictions counselors must have an understanding of the effects of licit and illicit drugs on the brain and body. In this 2-credit course, students will come to understand basic classifications, indications, and contraindications of drugs including prescribed psychopharmacological medications, illicit drugs, and alcohol. This knowledge helps addictions counselors make appropriate referrals for medication evaluations and identify side effects. Students will also learn about basic brain and body responses to drugs of abuse. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 560 - Addiction Counseling: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

    (3 S.H.)

    This course addresses the principles of diagnosis of addiction counseling and the use of current diagnostic and treatment planning tools, including the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Patient Placement Criteria of Substance-Related Disorders (ASAM PPC), the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI), and the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) Treatment Planning Manual. Dual diagnosis, ethical, and multicultural issues will be considered. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 565 - Addiction Counseling: Theory and Practice

    (4 S.H.)

    Addiction counseling demands specific skills and draws on various theoretical orientations. In this class, students will gain an overview of the development of addictions counseling theory over the past 50 years. Students will research contemporary counseling group and individual theory. Working with clients in crisis will be emphasized. Experiential practice will be fundamental to this course. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 570 - Addiction Counseling: Ethics and Advocacy

    (3 S.H.)

    This course will introduce students to the practice and policies of addiction counseling. Students will learn about case management, consultation, ethical and legal standards, and client advocacy. Professional organizations, standards, licensure and certification will be examined. Public policy, laws, and regulations regarding addictions counseling will be stressed so counselors are better able to effectively advocate on behalf of their clients. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 575 - Addiction Counseling: Multicultural Concerns

    (3 S.H.)

    Multiculturalism is an important concept to examine in relation to addictions counseling. Clients’ age, race, gender identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, or disability status can impact the course of addiction or treatment. In this course, students will examine cultural influences as they converge with the substance abuse and dependence. Process addictions (e.g., gambling, pornography) also will be examined through a multicultural lens. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 595 - Workshop: Counseling Specialties

    (0.5-4 S.H.)

    The topics of these workshops will vary. Announcements of the topics and any special enrollment issues will be made in advance of the workshop offering. P/NC or letter grade.

    Course Registration

  • CE 600 - Independent Research in Counseling

    (0.5-3 S.H.)

    This course provides an opportunity for qualified students to work independently. Topics may include research, development of special projects, field experiences, selected readings, etc. P/NC or letter grade.

    Course Registration

  • CE 601 - Foundations of Counseling

    (3 S.H.)

    This course introduces students to the profession of counseling. Through scholarly research and writing, students will examine the role and function of counselors in a variety of settings. Current trends and issues in counseling also will be addressed. Throughout the course, major emphasis will be placed on the learning and practice of basic helping skills in a supervised setting. Prerequisites: Admission to the Counselor Education Department. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 611 - Development over the Lifespan

    (3 S.H.)

    The purpose of this course is to promote students’ thinking and learning about human growth, adaptation, and change throughout the lifespan. Major theories, issues, eras, and trends in human development will be addressed. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 615 - Group Theory and Practice

    (3 S.H.)

    In this course students are introduced to the theory and practice of group counseling. The course will provide students with an academic/theoretical overview of groups and group work as well as the opportunity to develop group leadership skills through experiential learning activities Prerequisites: CE 601 - Foundations of Counseling  or permission of instructor. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 620 - Tests & Measurements

    (3 S.H.)

    This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of measurement as applied to psychological testing. Knowledge of and practical experience in the use of standardized psychological tests in counseling for personality assessment, evaluation, and career and life decisions will be provided. Prerequisites: basic statistics course (undergraduate or graduate). Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 621 - Research Design

    (3 S.H.)

    This course provides the fundamentals of research design and program evaluation. Current methods of research design and evaluation in counseling practice and school settings will be discussed. Prerequisite: basic statistics course (graduate or undergraduate). Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 622 - Family Systems Counseling

    (3 S.H.)

    This course introduces students to the theory, assessment techniques, and intervention strategies used in the practice of family systems counseling. The focus of the course will be on building a theoretical base for understanding and applying family systems counseling strategies and techniques. Didactic and experiential learning will provide students with the opportunity to apply and integrate knowledge and skills. Prerequisites: CE 601 - Foundations of Counseling  or permission of instructor. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 625 - Career Development & Appraisal

    (3 S.H.)

    This course provides students with the basic theories, counseling techniques, and assessment tools used in career counseling. Through applied learning experiences students will be able to complete a comprehensive career assessment and plan. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 630 - Counseling Children & Adolescents

    (1 S.H.)

    This course presents students with basic counseling theory and practice as it relates to children and adolescents. Special attention will be given to issues/applications relevant to working with children in schools and mental health settings. Meeting the special counseling needs of children of color and children with disabilities also will be explored. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 633 - Ethical Practice and Social Change

    (3 S.H.)

    This course introduces students to the legal, professional and ethical issues that affect the practice of counseling and psychotherapy and the methods and ethical basis for counselors to be agents of social change. Students will become familiar with mental health law and the ethical codes that cover the counseling profession. A model for ethical decision making will be presented. Also, students will be presented with models for social change in their function as leaders, change agents, collaborators, and risk takers. Providing outreach and advocacy services in the school and community settings, students will expand their role as counselors to include the social contexts of culture, the dynamics of power at work in any system, and the political processes essential for change. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 635 - Orientation to School Counseling

    (3 S.H.)

    This course introduces the student to current school counseling models and effective practice. The focus is on practical issues faced by school counselors as they implement a school counseling program, work with students, colleagues, and families, and manage role responsibilities effectively. Field based learning is an important component of this course. This course introduces the student to current school counseling models and effective practice. The focus is on practical issues faced by school counselors as they implement a school counseling program, work with students, colleagues, and families, and manage role responsibilities effectively. Field based learning is an important component of this course. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 640 - Orientation to Community Counseling

    (3 S.H.)

    This course examines the counseling profession including history, philosophy, theory, and professional issues. Emphasis is on different counseling populations and multicultural issues. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 645 - School Counseling Practice

    (3 S.H.)

    This course addresses important conceptual and practical issues of effective school counseling practice, with an emphasis on the critical importance of proactive, primary prevention applications that positively impact student development and success. Developmental guidance curriculum, consultation, advocacy, and data-driven outcomes will be addressed, both in the classroom and in field-based learning cohorts. Prerequisites: CE 635 - Orientation to School Counseling . Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 650 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

    (3 S.H.)

    This course provides an overview of the etiology, classification, and recommendations for treatment of mental disorders, personality disorders and adjustment problems. Students will gain practice using the DSM-IV-TR. Guidelines for treatment planning and case management also will be presented. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 658 - Microskills

    (3 S.H.)

    This is a practice course, which provides a systematic skills approach to developing basic counseling skills. Students will have the opportunity to practice micro-skills (e.g., rapport building, attending, paraphrasing, etc.) on a weekly basis. Prerequisites: Students must be admitted to the Counselor Education Department and have successfully completed (earned a letter grade of B or better) in CE 601 - Foundations of Counseling . P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 660 - Counseling Theory and Practice

    (3 S.H.)

    This course exposes students to theories of personality development and change, theories of counseling, and counseling techniques. Students practice application of counseling theories in a laboratory setting with simulated situations. Students are encouraged to identify and develop a tentative theory of personality as it relates to an effective counseling approach. A strong emphasis is placed on the ethical standards of the counseling profession and on multicultural issues. Prerequisites: CE 601 - Foundations of Counseling  , completion of or concurrent registration in CE 658 - Microskills  and CE 660 permission of  instructor. In general, students are not eligible for enrollment in 660 until they have successfully completed approximately 12 semester credits in the CE department and have satisfied all relevant course prerequisites. Students should consult with their faculty adviser and refer to the detailed enrollment procedures in the CE Program Handbook. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 690 - Internship (600 clock hours)

    (3 or 6 S.H.)

    This course provides a practical, field based experience in a school or community setting. This experience may be arranged with supervision coordinated through the CE Internship Coordinator and an onsite supervisor. A total of six (6) credits of internship work must be completed. Prerequisites: CE 680 - Counseling Practicum (150 clock hours)  with a letter grade of B or better. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • CE 699 - Master’s Thesis

    (2-4 S.H.)

    This course is an opportunity for the student interested in pursuing a PhD program to conduct independent research employing scientific methods and procedures in the area of the student’s field of concentration. P/NC or letter grade.

    Course Registration


  • EDUC 506 - Teaching and Learning In American Culture

    (2 S.H.)

    This course is designed for only incoming international students who participate in the Winona State University Cross Cultural Outreach Scholarship Program. Students will learn about cultural differences in local schools, on the university campus, and in the community. During the course, students will learn about how to effectively deliver presentations about their cultures and global themes to various audiences in local schools, on the university campus, and to community groups. Students will acquire knowledge and skills related to effective use of presentation enhancements such as PowerPoint, presentation boards, and question/answer sessions.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 510 - Foundations of Early Childhood Education

    (3 S.H.)

    History, theory, trends and contemporary issues in early childhood education. Graduate project required. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 410. See Undergraduate Catalog.
    Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 513 - Development in Infancy

    (3 S.H.)

    Genetics, prenatal development, birth, and physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development in the first three years. Methods for working with infants and toddlers and observations. Graduate project required. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 413. See Undergraduate Catalog. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 514 - The Developing Child in the Social World

    (3 S.H.)

    Explores the physical, cognitive, and social development of young children from 2 to 8 years old. Parent/child, home/school, family community relationships are examined. Graduate project required. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 414. See Undergraduate Catalog. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 516 - Early Childhood or Kindergarten Curriculum

    (4 S.H.)

    Planning the curriculum and developing strategies for teaching young children in early childhood settings. Includes practicum experience. Graduate project required. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 416. See Undergraduate Catalog. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 529 - Secondary Reading and Teaching Strategies

    (4 S.H.)

    Emphasis is on reading comprehension, strategies, study skills in content areas, lesson planning, lesson presentation skills, and techniques appropriate to the instructional process. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 429. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: EFRT 304 and 302 or 305 and 312 (See Undergraduate Catalog). Offered each semester. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 567 - Advanced Practicum in Preschool

    (3 S.H.)

    Supervised teaching in a preschool program. Students enroll in the three credit preschool experience. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 570 - Advanced Practicum in Middle School

    (3-6 S. H.)

    A supervised practicum in middle level education at a middle school site. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 590 - Individual Problems in Education

    (1-3 S.H.)

    Opportunity for the qualified advanced undergraduate and graduate student to work independently. Topics may include research, development of special projects, selected readings, etc. Time arranged. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 490. See Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites: Consent of major advisor, completion of the Common Professional Sequence, and for elementary majors, completion of the professional education sequence. May be repeated to a total of 4 credits. Offered each semester. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 598 - Workshops and Seminars

    (1-4 S.H.)

    The subject matter to be developed by the department and instructor prior to the workshop or seminar. The student may repeat the course without limitation on the number of credits as long as the subject matter is different. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 498. See Undergraduate Catalog. Offered on demand. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 599 - Workshops and Seminars

    (1-3 S.H.)

    The subject matter to be developed by the department and instructor prior to the workshop or seminar. The student may repeat the course without limitation on the number of credits as long as the subject matter is different. May also be taken for undergraduate credit as EDUC 499. See Undergraduate Catalog. Offered on demand. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 600 - Improvement of Instruction and Curriculum Planning

    (3 S.H.)

    An examination of current models of instructional strategies and curriculum development. Literature and training materials are reviewed and analyzed. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 605 - Adolescent Development, Learning and Assessment

    (5 S.H.)

    This course introduces students to (1) the psychological and social dimensions of learning in middle school and secondary classrooms (2) principles of adolescent development and their influence on students’ participation in school (3) assessment, measurement and evaluation techniques. Field experience in a middle school or high school classroom are required in addition to on-campus class sessions. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Preparation Collaborative or permission of instructor. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 612 - Current Trends in Language Arts

    (3 S.H.)

    Current trends and contemporary research related to objectives, methods and curriculum in language arts. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 613 - Current Issues in Social Studies

    (3 S.H.)

    Current trends and contemporary research related to objectives, methods, and curriculum in the social studies, a K12 approach. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 614 - Current Issues in Science Education

    (3 S.H.)

    Current issues, the curriculum content, and materials of instruction generated by contemporary research for K12 settings will be discussed. Offered yearly. Grade only

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 615 - Current Issues in Mathematics Education

    (3 S.H.)

    Current issues and contemporary research related to objectives, methods, and curriculum in mathematics will be examined. Special emphasis on the use of manipulatives and the NCTM Standards. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 618 - Field Experience in Classroom Procedures

    (2-4 S.H.)

    A culminating experience designed to encourage a student to apply principles and procedures learned during his/her graduate program. Students should take the course during the latter part of their program. Offered each semester. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 640 - Current Educational Issues

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of the recognized current issues and trends in education. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 650 - Teacher Induction and Curriculum Orientation

    (3 S.H.)

    Students involved as Residents in the Graduate Induction Program or Interns in the Teacher Preparation Collaborative will progress through a designed series of in-service activities to prepare them to perform confidently and competently as classroom teachers or interns. Includes curriculum training in specified areas. Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Induction Program or Teacher Licensure Collaborative required. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 651 - Induction Practicum

    (4-8 S.H.)

    Acting as a licensed resident in the Graduate Induction Program or an intern in the Teacher Licensure collaborative, the student will demonstrate professional levels of competency in methods, knowledge of content, planning, and classroom management as determined by the latest research and the curriculum goals of the participating school system. Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Induction Program or Teacher Preparation Collaborative required. Offered each semester. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 671 - Observing/Mentoring New Teachers

    (2 S.H.)

    A critical analysis of procedures and strategies practiced by student teacher/teaching assistant supervisors, peer coaches, and mentors. Offered yearly. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 690 - Developing Cultures for Learning

    (3 S.H.)

    The course is designed to help educators to collaborate effectively in the design and implementation of effective learning communities in their classrooms, schools, and school districts. Offered only through the Learning Communities Master Teacher Program. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 692 - Creating Inclusive Classroom Environments

    (2 S.H.)

    This course prepares teachers to become more responsive to the multifaceted dimensions of their students and enable groups to embrace diversity. The focus will be on developing a way to treat students equitably by recognizing each one’s uniqueness and by structuring teaching methods accordingly. Offered only through the Learning Communities Master Teacher Program. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 696 - Trends and Issues in Teaching in the Content Area

    (1-3 S.H.)

    This course is designed to allow students to explore in depth the current trends, issues and research related to curriculum, instructional design and methods, and assessment in designated content areas. Offered only through the Learning Communities Master Teacher Program. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 698 - Seminars/Workshops in Education

    (1-4 S.H.)

    Subject matter arranged by the department. Certain seminars will be designed for the graduate induction program. Offered each semester. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EDUC 699 - Master’s Thesis

    (4 S.H.)

    The report must show evidence of the candidate’s ability to carry an independent study and to employ scientific methods and procedures in the solution of a problem in the area of the student’s field of concentration. Offered on demand. Grade only.

    Course Registration

Education Leadership

  • EL 590 - Special Topics

    (1-3 S.H.)

    Specially arranged course offerings unique to both graduate and undergraduate student’s professional development. Course number may be repeated when offered with a different subject content and title. Grade or P/NC.

    Course Registration

  • EL 600 - Workshops in Educational Leadership

    (1-4 S.H.)

    Topics vary according to needs and interests of educational leaders. This course number may be repeated when offered within different subject content. Grade or P/NC.

    Course Registration

  • EL 601 - Foundations of Educational Leadership

    (3 S.H.)

    A comprehensive overview of the field of educational administration. Students are introduced to the organization, governance, and politics of American K-14 education with attention to sources of information on educational leadership. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 604 - Curriculum Planning and Development

    (3 S.H.)

    Students will explore the nature of curriculum (purpose, definition, and theories), the leader’s role in curriculum development, planning processes, and procedures, issues in curriculum development, and classroom-based curriculum design. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 610 - School Law

    (3 S.H.)

    Selected school law issues affecting education using the case method with emphasis on those having direct impact at the school-building level. An historical perspective is provided in addition to case and statutory law both state and federal. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 612 - Systems Thinking

    (3 S.H.)

    The course focuses on comprehensive systems management and systems thinking methodologies to prepare leaders with understandings, knowledge, and skills needed to lead organizations through the emerging challenges of complex and chaotic sociocultural systems. Emphasis is placed on performance excellence. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 614 - Change Leadership

    (3 S.H.)

    Basic theory and skills for the management and leadership of public and non-profit organizations (including schools) to impact the growth, sustainability, and integrity of organizations. Students will study problems and issues influencing individual and group behavior in organizations, and develop collaborative practices and strategies to empower and advocate for others. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 615 - Communication

    (3 S.H.)

    The course focuses on the understandings, knowledge and skills regarding professional relationships and communications in PK-12 schools, technical and community colleges, 4-year colleges, and non-profit organizations. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 616 - Common Good

    (3 S.H.)

    The basis of all organizations is the need people have for protection and to share resources, talent, and knowledge. In return individuals are expected to forfeit personal freedoms and contribute to the benefit of the group. This course will identify some of the underlying features of this social phenomenon and give the student an understanding of how these social arrangements reveal themselves in our daily affairs. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 618 - Scholarship

    (3 S.H.)

    The course advances student’s critical understanding, knowledge and skills regarding academic research and writing, program evaluation and assessment, and the place of theory and research in critically understanding and changing the social world, with a focus on educational leadership. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 622 - The Principalship

    (3 S.H.)

    Students will inquire into and reflect upon school leadership and conditions which produce a successful principalship. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 625 - School Reform and Restructuring: Implications for Leadership

    (3 S.H.)

    The study of the past and present efforts of school reform and restructuring to improve American K-12 education and their effects on educational leadership. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 626 - Educational Assessment

    (3 S.H.)

    The effective use and general misuse of measurement and evaluation in education. The role of accountability in education will be explored within the context of student learning assessment. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 627 - School Business Management

    (3 S.H.)

    Business management processes and practices, including procedures for strategic planning, budgeting and finance. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 628 - Human Resources and Collective Bargaining

    (3 S.H.)

    The personnel function, with particular attention to hiring, evaluation procedures, employee problems, affirmative action, due process, harassment in the workplace, and collective bargaining at the K-14 level in local districts. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 635 - Public Relations and Politics

    (3 S.H.)

    Purpose, techniques and problems of school/community relations and partnerships, including the political context of these relations and means of developing effective interaction with staff, public, media and community. Oral and written communication receives special attention. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 636 - Public Relations, Marketing and Development

    (3 S.H.)

    Students will study the concepts and interrelated processes of public relations, marketing, and development applicable to educational and non-profit organizations. The programs and strategies of each of these disciplines within a balanced, administrative framework enhance the academic and financial goals for the sustainability of these organizations as well as the constituencies they serve. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 640 - Ethical Leadership

    (3 S.H.)

    An interdisciplinary approach to the ethics of administration and leadership with a focus on world views, case studies, and critical thinking concepts to encourage ethical decision making and the formation of professional ethical codes as a basis for principled practice. A blended course where case studies and assignments are presented and discussed both in class and online. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 642 - Education Lean: Methods and Practicum

    (4 S.H.)

    Organizations better serve their constituents when using a systematic approach to continuous improvement. This course focuses on the theory, models, concepts, and skills needed to lead improvement teams. Students will learn how a facilitator balances the application of Lean principles and tools, content knowledge, and team dynamics. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • EL 644 - Managing Change, Innovation and Transition

    (3 S.H.)

    Organizations flourish when leaders tap into the passion and expertise of employees. Understanding how individuals engage in change is critical. Students in this course will explore theory, models, and methods for understanding innovation, change, transition, and diagnosing change issues. Grade only.

    Course Registration


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