Oct 06, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Resources

Academic Advising

Warrior Success Center
Third Floor, Maxwell Hall (507.457.5878)

WSU’s academic advising system is designed to help students make well-informed decisions. Students are ultimately responsible for being aware of the policies and requirements that affect their academic progress and for making appropriate decisions about choosing courses and a major, as well as other academic matters. Because this is a vital responsibility, the University offers the guidance of experienced professionals, through whom students learn about University objectives, requirements, support services, activities, and policies. As a result of advising, students should understand themselves better and learn to use resources to meet their specific educational needs.

Each student is assigned an advisor. Students who have declared a major are assigned an advisor in the department of their declared major. New students who have not declared a major are assigned to their orientation instructor for advising. Prior to each registration, the student must meet with the advisor to discuss course selection and obtain an access code for web registration. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisors at other times as well to discuss academic and career goals.

To get the greatest benefit from advising, each student should maintain a file of documents related to his or her academic progress and should bring the file to advising appointments. At a minimum, the file should include a copy of the student’s current schedule, electronic degree audit report (DARS), and unofficial academic record. These documents are available to the student through the web registration system. Students will find the name of their advisor printed on their course schedule and on the DARS report. If no advisor is listed, the student should contact the department offering his/her major to request an advisor. Students who have not declared a major should report to the Warrior Success Center for assistance.

New Student Orientation

Warrior Success Center
Third Floor, Maxwell Hall (507.457.5878)

To assist new students in their transition into the University, WSU offers an orientation course (OR 100, Introduction to Higher Education) for incoming first-year students. OR 100 begins with academic and social activities the week prior to the start of fall semester. This course introduces students to services, activities, expectations, and opportunities at WSU and provides them with the means to network with other students, faculty, and staff. Incoming students register for OR 100 (1 S.H.) during New Student Registration.

TRIO Student Support Services

219 Darrell W. Krueger Library (507.457.5465)

TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded program dedicated to providing individualized academic and personal support to facilitate lifelong learning and development. Student Support Services is designed to help students achieve their goal of graduating from college. The program provides a community of support for students who are first-generation college students, who have low income, or who have disabilities. Services include tutoring, academic advising, counseling, student leadership opportunities, and help in choosing a major.

The Young Student Parent Support Initiative is also affiliated with this department and provides support groups and services to connect students who are also parents with resources in both Rochester and Winona to increase their academic success and good health. This program is part of a state-wide effort to establish student parent centers throughout Minnesota. WSU has been chosen to be the site to establish a center for southeastern Minnesota.

Tutoring Services

220 Darrell W. Krueger Library (507.457.2486)

Tutoring Services offers free tutoring and the Supplement to Instruction (S2I) program. Peer tutors participate in an extensive training program that is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association. S2I sessions are regularly scheduled, informal review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, and develop organizational and study tools under the guidance of a student who has already excelled in the course. By accessing the web address above, students can view information about Tutoring Services, including the complete tutoring and S2I schedule.

Warrior Success Center 

Warrior Success Center
314 Maxwell Hall (507.457.5878)
Email: warriorsuccesscenter@winona.edu

Conveniently located one floor above the Warrior Hub, the Warrior Success Center is a one-stop resource for students seeking academic and career advice as well as other academic support services.  Call or visit for an appointment. Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday  during the academic year and 7:30 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday in the summer. 

Access Services for Students with Disabilities 

Third Floor Maxwell Hall (507.457.5878) Fax: 507.457.2957
Email: access@winona.edu

In accordance with Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Winona State University shall make reasonable adjustments in its policies, practices, services, and facilities to ensure equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities to participate in all educational programs and activities. A person with a disability is defined as:

  • A person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. This includes care for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
  • A person who has a disability, has a record of the disability, or is regarded as having the disability.

A student requiring special accommodation or auxiliary aids must apply for such assistance through Access Services for Students with Disabilities. Proof of disability from a competent authority will be required, as well as information regarding specific limitations for which accommodation is requested. Reasonable accommodations are the services that are necessary to provide equal access in an academic setting. Examples of possible accommodations may include testing accommodations, note taking assistance, interpreter services, recorded lectures, assistive technology, writing/scribing assistance, lab assistance, adaptive equipment, priority registration, or alternative format textbooks.

An eligible student is one who has a disability and who meets the essential academic eligibility requirements for the WSU program or activity in which the student seeks to participate. In order to receive academic accommodations, the student must identify/self-disclose his/her educational needs.

  • Approval of accommodations is based on adequate supporting documentation of a disability.
  • Qualified students with disabilities must meet the same academic requirements as all students on campus.
  • An accommodation is not reasonable if it compromises the essential elements of a course or lowers academic standards.
  • A request may be denied if it fundamentally alters a course or program or is an undue hardship for WSU.
  • Some of the auxiliary aids may be provided by another agency such as Learning Ally, State Services for the Blind, and the National Library Service.
  • Certain accommodations, such as course modifications or substitutions, may take up to one semester to be provided.
  • The ADA Coordinator will respond to concerns about the inequality of access or opportunity.

More information is available in the Student Disability Handbook or the Faculty Disability Handbook.

Career Services 

314 Maxwell Hall (507.457.5878)
Email: career@winona.edu

Career Services assists students seeking career direction, major selection, part-time employment on and off campus, work-study positions, summer opportunities, internships, and full-time employment. Individual advising appointments may be scheduled. Students are encouraged to visit Career Services and set up their WSU EZLink account to take full advantage of the broad range of services offered through Career Services. Alumni are also eligible to register for assistance in their search for full-time employment or career direction.

Career Services provides opportunities for students to interact with employers through career fairs, job fairs, on-campus interviews and special events programming. Employers have access to students’ resumes when students upload and publish them directly through EZLink. Additionally, students can access job openings or update their resumes via the Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employment information, career information, and graduate follow-up results are available in the Warrior Services Canter as well as on our website. Career Services also administers several career assessments, including the Strong Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs, StrengthsQuest, and Discover..

Other Academic Resources

Cooperative Program: WSU-St Mary’s University of Minnesota

Warrior Hub
Maxwell Hall (507.457.2800)

The cooperative program between WSU and St. Mary’s University of Minnesota (SMU) allows full-time, undergraduate WSU students to take classes at SMU and pay tuition for the credits at WSU. Participating students are required to take a minimum of twelve credits at WSU during the semester in which they enroll in this program.  To obtain information about participating in the program, students should contact the Warrior Hub.

If the student decides to take a course at SMU, he/she must get a permit, which requires the approval of the student’s advisor and the WSU Cooperative Program Director. Then the student must present the permit to the SMU Registrar’s Office for processing and return the approved permit to the WSU Warrior Hub.

Minnesota State University Common Market Program

Warrior Hub
Maxwell Hall (507.457.2800)

Under the Student Exchange Program, a WSU student may attend another Minnesota state university for one semester per institution up to a total of three semesters at three different institutions. By doing so, students may take advantage of curriculum and program specialties as well as different intellectual and social climates. The home university considers credits earned under the program as “resident credit.”

When students apply, they list the courses they want to take and usually include several alternate choices. The Common Market Director at the receiving institution notifies the student whether or not his/her request can be met. The student indicates his/her choice of housing on the application form, and the request is referred to the housing office at the receiving university. The student also receives assistance with transferring financial aid if necessary.

To participate in the Common Market Program, students must be fully matriculated, must have attended WSU for at least two consecutive semesters, and must have at least a 2.00 GPA. Application forms are available at the Warrior Hub.

Outreach and Continuing Education Department  (OCED)

106 Somsen Hall

OCED serves as a major hub for a broad network of academic and community partners, learners, and businesses. OCED offers a variety of learning opportunities for students at different stages of their lives and coordinates programs that strengthen the University’s links within its service region. Programs include the following:

  • Adult Entry Program for Undergraduate Admission
  • Business and Industry Outreach & Customized Training
  • Continuing Education / CEU
  • Certificate Programs
  • Extension Program
  • Adult Travel Seminars
  • Meeting Facilities

OCED also actively seeks and creates opportunities for WSU to be a significant contributor to the business and economic development of our service region.

Adult Entry Program for Undergraduate Admission

The Adult Entry Program for undergraduate students serves the educational needs of adult learners starting or returning to college. The program is for adults who want to pursue an Associate in Arts or a baccalaureate degree. This program is designed for applicants with a high school diploma or GED who have been out of high school for a minimum of four years. If the student has attended a post-secondary school they must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.4 or must have a minimum of one year since last enrollment. For more information, contact the OCED office.

Business and Industry Outreach & Customized Training

WSU works closely with the business community including schools, industries, and nonprofit agencies to provide continuing education for their employees. Specialized programs and individual courses are designed to meet the needs of the company or organization and can be delivered on-site at the business or on campus. Courses may be offered for credit or non-credit. For more information regarding business solutions, contact the OCED office.

Meeting Facilities

WSU offers a variety of meeting and conference facilities for businesses and organizations.  For more information about scheduling your business meeting or conference at WSU, contact Camps and Conferences at 507.474-3900. 

Continuing Education/CEU

WSU offers continuing education courses for non-credit and for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Non-credit and CEU courses are taught by WSU faculty, community resource persons, or visiting experts. The courses frequently fulfill specialized learning needs identified by licensing agencies, businesses and organizations. Continuing education offerings can be viewed online.

The CEU provides a standard measure for non-credit learning (1 CEU = 10 contact class hours). The CEU is recorded on the student’s transcript and can serve as verification for continuing education but does not fulfill the requirements for an academic degree. Contact the OCED office to get detailed information about continuing education/CEU classes, workshops and conferences, or to discuss how OCED can work with your department or organization to develop continuing education/CEU programs.

Certificate Programs

WSU offers credit and non-credit certificate programs in a variety of subject areas based on workforce and community needs. Contact the OCED office for more information about available certificate programs and how they may meet your professional development needs.

Extension Program

In addition to programs for traditional undergraduate and graduate students, WSU offers a variety of learning experiences for adult learners and non-traditional students through Extension. Extension courses may be undergraduate or graduate courses, and may be suitable for those seeking a degree, professional development or personal enrichment. Extension courses include on-campus and off-campus evening and weekend courses, and online and blended courses; specially scheduled workshops and seminars; and credit options for workshops and/or conferences scheduled by educational partners. Visiting students are permitted to enroll in undergraduate extension classes without formal admittance to the University by completing an Undergraduate Guest Student Registration. Guest students wishing to take graduate-level extension courses should contact the WSU Graduate Studies Office. For more information about Extension, contact OCED.

Adult Travel Seminars

Non-credit adult travel seminars are occasionally offered by WSU. Contact the OCED office for more information about current or upcoming events.  

Study Abroad Program

105 Maxwell Hall (507.457.5081)

A variety of study abroad program options are available for students who are interested in broadening their university experience and enhancing their resumes by including a semester-long living and learning experience through a WSU sponsored program. WSU study abroad options include academic programs in many locations through WSU international partners, and students have the option of attending for a semester, summer session, or full academic year. In addition, students may select programs through other universities or through a third party provider.

Programs vary in location, length, cost, admission requirements, application deadlines, and focus; therefore, it is important to request the most recent and detailed information from the International Programs office or visit the International Programs website.

Travel Study Programs

105 Maxwell Hall (507.457.5303)

Travel study programs are short-term from two to about four weeks during summer or winter breaks, with the exception of the Pacific Challenge program that is almost a semester long. These courses utilize characteristics of an international location to extend learning to the world beyond the classroom. They are designed and taught by WSU faculty who also travel with students during the entire trip. Most travel study courses satisfy a General Education requirement and/or count towards a particular major or minor.

Students and faculty interested in participating in or organizing a travel study course should contact the International Programs office.