Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions include the following elements:

Course Code,  Number, and Titles: The course code indicates the department or program in which the course is housed. The course number indicates the level at which the course should be taken. Generally, first-year students take 100-level courses; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; and seniors, 400-level. Students are required to limit course selection to courses not more than one level above their class standing. First-year students are not permitted to enroll in 400-level courses. Undergraduate students who need 12 or fewer semester credits to complete all baccalaureate degree requirements may request permission from the Director of Graduate Studies to take courses for graduate credit to complete a regular course load during the semester of  graduation. However, undergraduate students may not enroll in courses at the 600-level or 700-level.

Credits: The number of semester hours of credit given upon completion of the course.

Course Content: A brief description of subject matter gives students an idea of what to expect in the course.

Prerequisites: If required or recommended, a prerequisite is either a course that must be completed prior to enrolling in the course or some other requirement that must be met prior to enrolling in the course.

Grading Method: If a course is offered on a grade-only or pass/no credit-only basis, that status is included in the course description. A department’s general pass/no credit policy is included in its listing of program requirements. Students should check the policy before enrolling in a course on a pass/no credit basis.

Frequency of Offering: Course descriptions may indicate how often the course is offered.


◎= Oral Intensive

◆ = Math/Critical Analysis Intensive

△ = Writing Intensive


Rochester Education

  • △ RED 304 - Teacher Development

    (2 S.H.)

    The Development: Culture(s) & Student Learning block is a 4-course sequence where teacher candidates explore theories, individuals, communities, and themselves. This is the fourth course in the series focusing on understanding the Teaching self. Prerequisites: , , , , , , , , ,  , and . Grade only. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • RED 310 - STEM in the Elementary Classrooms

    (8 S.H.)

    The STEM semester block investigates relationships between and amongst science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In particular, focusing upon how to facilitate learning experiences through which students utilize mathematics to mediate a developing understanding of science, technology, and engineering concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Rochester Education Teacher Program. Grade only. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • RED 401 - Kid-Watching

    (1 S.H.)

    This is the first course in a series focusing on describing and documenting student development and learning. Teacher candidates will develop observation and interviewing skills and assume the role of teacher as researcher. Grade only.

    Course Registration

  • RED 402 - Data Collect, Interpret, Use

    (1 S.H.)

    The Data-Wise: Assessment & Student Learning block is a 4-course sequence where teacher candidates examine the use of data to measure, understand, and improve student learning. This is the second course in the series focusing on using student assessment results to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Teacher candidates will develop their skills with a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective instruction. Teacher candidates will assume the role of teacher as researcher. Prerequisites:   and  . Grade only. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • RED 410 - STEM Clinical Practice: Collaborations, Instruction & Student Learning

    (1 S.H.)

    The Clinical Practice: Collaboration, Instruction, and Student Learning block is a 4-course sequence through which teacher candidates address what it means to be a Professional Educator. Four topics will be explored throughout the duration of the 3-course sequence. Topic 1 focuses on the classroom as a cultural community. Topic 2 explores the nature of reflective practice. Topic 3 examines the dynamics of community collaboration. Topic 4 centers on the relationship between research and practice. Prerequisites: Admission to the Rochester Teacher Education Program. Grade only. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • RED 414 - First Six Weeks Clinical Practice

    (4 S.H.)

    The Clinical Practice: Collaboration, Instruction, and Student Learning block is a 4-course sequence through which teacher candidates address what it means to be a Professional Educator. Four topics will be explored throughout the duration of the 3-course sequence. Topic 1 focuses on the classroom as a cultural community. Topic 2 explores the nature of reflective practice. Topic 3 examines the dynamics of community collaboration. Topic 4 centers on the relationship between research and practice. Prerequisites: , , , , , , and . Grade only. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration


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