Jan 23, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration & Academic Records

Registrar’s Office
Maxwell Hall, Warrior Hub (507-457-2800; fax: 507-457-5578)

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining and safeguarding records of student academic performance; monitoring compliance with academic requirements; facilitating the scheduling of classes; managing the process of enrolling in University courses and programs; providing official transcripts and other documents to verify student achievement; maintaining an accurate catalog of all academic offerings; facilitating the transfer of student records between WSU and other institutions; and verifying compliance with federal and state regulations and with the expectations of agencies with which WSU or its students have obligations.


WSU offers classes in two 15-week semesters and a 10-week summer term, which consists of two 5-week sessions. Continuing students register for fall and summer classes during April of the previous academic year, and for spring classes during November. New students typically register for classes during June of the summer before their first fall semester. All course registration is performed electronically on the WSU website. Prior to registering for on-campus (Winona) classes, new and returning students must satisfy admissions requirements. All Winona campus undergraduate students must also contact their advisor each term to receive their registration access code. See the Admissions  section for an explanation of the admissions policies and procedures for new and returning students. When new students’ applications have been approved and processed, WSU sends each student a Warrior ID number and a PIN number.


Each semester, WSU schedules an Advising Period (see the Academic Calendar at www.winona.edu/registrar). During this period, students who are enrolling in on-campus (Winona) classes must meet with their advisors (see Academic Resources ). In addition to providing academic advising, the advisor gives the student an access code that the student must use, together with the Warrior ID number and the PIN number, to initiate the WSU Web Registration procedure for the fall and spring semesters. Summer term registration does not require an access code. Most students on the Rochester campus and those registering for extension classes do not need an access code.

Students may go to www.winona.edu/registration.asp for up-to-date reports that assist in their academic planning. From this web address, students can access the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Student Portal where they may view and print their current academic transcript. Students can also get a copy of their Degree Audit Report from the Degree Auditing Reporting System (DARS). The DARS report is designed to help students select courses and build their academic schedule by displaying their progress at any point in their career. It shows how courses taken at WSU or transferred from other schools apply to the student’s degree and what courses are still needed to meet all requirements. Students use this information to work with their advisors to better plan their academic careers.

Web Registration

The order of registration for continuing students is determined by the number of academic credits they have completed. Students with the greatest number of credits register first. The schedule of registration “windows” during which students may register is available on the MnSCU portal at www.winona.edu/registration.asp. The Registrar strongly advises students to print a copy of their updated schedule any time they use the Web Registration system to add or delete courses and to maintain a personal folder of all records of academic progress.

Students need to keep a paper copy of their schedule until grades are reported at the end of the semester. If there is any problem with a student’s registration or bill, the student will be asked for the printed schedule.

Extension Classes

Non-degree seeking students can enroll in Extension classes without being formally admitted to the University or filing an Intent to Return form. To register in an extension class, the student may go to the WSU website and follow the Web Registration instructions. Web Registration requires the student to enter his/her Warrior ID number and PIN number. Students who have not received these numbers can contact the Outreach and Continuing Education Department (OCED) in Somsen Hall, Room 106 (507-457-5083) for assistance. Students who are unable to register on the website may register by submitting an Extension Class Registration form to the OCED office.

Attendance Policy

Students are required to attend the first meeting of all classes in which they are registered. See the Academic Policies & University Requirements  section for more details on the class attendance policy.

Changes in Class Schedule

Change the Grade Method for a Class

At the time of registration, students must indicate whether they are taking a course for letter grade, audit, or pass/no credit if the course permits these grading options. If students wish to modify their choice of grade type, they must request the change by the published withdraw deadline . Audited courses cannot be used to satisfy graduation, enrollment status, certification, or licensure requirements. To request a grade method change, students should go to the WSU website and follow the directions under Web Registration.

Add a Class

For the first five instructional days of the semester, students may add a class using the Web Registration process. After the fifth instructional day of the semester (or after the first class meeting for weekly evening classes), students must obtain the permission of the instructor for each class to be added.

To register for a full class or for a course that requires the instructor’s permission, students must either submit a signed Class Permit form (also called a “blue card”) to the Warrior Hub or have their instructor submit an override online.

Arranged Classes

An “arranged class” is a course listed in the WSU catalog but not scheduled to be offered during a particular semester. Such a course may be made available at the discretion of the faculty member, department chairperson, and academic dean. Prior to applying for an arranged class, students must be formally admitted to a degree program with an established WSU GPA of 2.00 or higher. Students should request an application from the Warrior Hub and obtain approvals from the academic dean and academic department. When the arranged class has been added to the University’s course schedule, the student must then register for the class in the usual fashion.

Independent Study or Internships

Prior to applying for an independent study course or an internship, students must be formally admitted to a degree program with an established WSU GPA of 2.00 or higher. Students should consult their academic department for information about any additional GPA requirements for internships. A special application form, available from the Warrior Hub, must be submitted to the appropriate academic dean according to announced deadlines (see the Academic Calendar at www.winona.edu/registrar). Because an independent study or an internship is an academic course, the student must register for it after the special application form has been approved—either by using the Web Registration procedure or by submitting an application to the appropriate office (Warrior Hub in Maxwell Hall or WSU-Rochester, UCR, Room SS#128). See the Academic Policies & University Requirements  section for further information about independent study and internships.

Academic Records

Student Privacy Policies

WSU complies with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Based on these two acts, students are afforded certain rights with regard to their education records. Specifically, students have the right to:

  1. Inspect and review their education records within 45 days of the date that the University receives the student’s request for access.
  2. Request correction of records the student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of his/her privacy rights.
  3. Withdraw consent to disclosure of “directory information” as defined in the following policy statement:

Pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statue Section 13.32, Subdivision 3; and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC 1232g et seq. 1974, Winona State University gives notice that the following directory information will be released upon request:

  • Name
  • Classification (FR, SO, JR, SR, etc.)
  • Permanent Address and Telephone Number
  • Enrollment Status (Full-Time or Part-Time)
  • Local Address and Telephone Number
  • WSU Email Address
  • Date of WSU Graduation
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Major and Minor Fields of Study and Licensure Programs
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  • Weight and Height (of Athletic Team Members)
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Degrees and Awards Received
  • Most Recent Previous Educational Institution Attended

The University may disclose any of these items without prior written consent, unless notified in writing to the contrary. Any student who objects to the release of all or any part of the directory information on file in his or her name must notify the Warrior Hub, in writing, that he or she does not wish to have such information released. This request will be honored and all, or any specified portion, of the information which the student requests not to be released will be held confidential.

Name or Address Change

Official name changes are made at the Warrior Hub and require supporting documentation such as a marriage license, court order, or divorce decree. Students should use the MnSCU Student Portal to record address changes as soon as possible. In addition, students who are candidates for graduation should make the same name or address changes on the Application for Graduation.

Final Grades

At the end of the semester, final grades are available to students on the WSU website. To view grades, students access the MnSCU Student Portal and click on “Check Grades” under the “Grades and Transcript” menu.

Academic Transcripts and Copies of Student Records

Upon the student’s signed written request, the Warrior Hub will issue an official transcript. Official transcripts are sent to other educational institutions, businesses, and other organizations. Release of official transcripts may be withheld if there is an outstanding debt to the University. In general, students and advisors use unofficial transcripts on campus. Unofficial transcripts can be obtained from the Warrior Hub with proper identification.

Transcripts may be requested in person at the Warrior Hub, through the United States Postal Service, or by fax. Official transcripts are processed within five to seven business days. When a transcript is given directly to a student, it is stamped “Issued to Student”; the student must show proper identification before he or she can receive a transcript.

WSU reserves the right to refuse students access to inspect the following kinds of records:

  • Financial statements of the student’s parents.
  • Letters and statements of recommendation for which the student has waived his or her right of access, or which have been maintained by WSU prior to January 1, 1975.
  • Records connected with an application to attend WSU or a component unit of WSU if that application is denied.
  • Records that are excluded from the FERPA definition of education records.
  • Records that are determined by the University to include confidential data, in accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.

If the student has an unpaid financial obligation to the University or if there is an unresolved disciplinary action pending against the student, Winona State University reserves the right to deny transcripts or copies of records not required to be made available by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.

Credit Transfers from WSU

Universities and other colleges accept academic courses, undergraduate and graduate, completed at WSU when those courses are applicable to a curriculum the student chooses and when the courses meet prescribed scholastic standards. See Admissions  for further information about credit transfer as a new or returning WSU student.

Application for Graduation

The requirements for graduation with Associate in Arts and baccalaureate degrees are listed in the Academic Policies & University Requirements  section of this catalog, respectively. Candidates for graduation should review the requirements specified for their major/minor, and submit an Application for Graduation to the Warrior Hub after they have registered for their final term and their DARS report indicates they have completed all necessary coursework.

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received at the Warrior Hub; students should allow approximately six weeks minimum for application processing and notification. Three weeks before graduation, a list of candidates is posted online and on the Warrior Hub bulletin board. Candidates should review the list to confirm that they have been approved for graduation. If a candidate’s name does not appear on the list, he or she should contact the Warrior Hub.

Graduation for any particular semester becomes final 30 working days after the end of the semester. Degrees are posted on student transcripts at the end of the fall semester, spring semester, and the second summer session.

Student Right to Know Act

Institutional Research
Maxwell Hall, Room 152C (507-457-2833)

In compliance with the Federal Student Right to Know Act, WSU tracks the rates at which full-time students complete bachelor’s degrees from the University, within a specified period of time. This information is available on request from the Office of Institutional Research.