FAA Airway Science Certification Program
146-162 S.H. (FAA Airway Science Certification)
1210 Pasteur Hall (507.452.2220)
George Bolan (Advisor)
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), along with the aviation industry, has recognized the need for a cadre of well-qualified men and women to support the national airspace system of the future. Therefore, the FAA initiated the Airway Science curriculum to prepare the next generation of aviation technicians, managers, and aircraft crew members. The FAA has approved WSU as an Airway Science University; WSU offers an Airway Science Program with two options: Computer Science Option and Management Option. When students in the Airway science Program satisfy the respective major department degree requirements, they are granted either of the following degrees:
To fulfill the curriculum for FAA Airway Science Certification , students must complete additional requirements beyond the bachelor degree as outlined in the program requirements.
The FAA Airway Science curriculum requirements are subject to change by the Federal Aviation Administration. Therefore, this catalog may not show the latest requirements. See the Airway Science faculty advisor for more information.