Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions include the following elements:

Course Code,  Number, and Titles: The course code indicates the department or program in which the course is housed. The course number indicates the level at which the course should be taken. Generally, first-year students take 100-level courses; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; and seniors, 400-level. Students are required to limit course selection to courses not more than one level above their class standing. First-year students are not permitted to enroll in 400-level courses. Undergraduate students who need 12 or fewer semester credits to complete all baccalaureate degree requirements may request permission from the Director of Graduate Studies to take courses for graduate credit to complete a regular course load during the semester of  graduation. However, undergraduate students may not enroll in courses at the 600-level or 700-level.

Credits: The number of semester hours of credit given upon completion of the course.

Course Content: A brief description of subject matter gives students an idea of what to expect in the course.

Prerequisites: If required or recommended, a prerequisite is either a course that must be completed prior to enrolling in the course or some other requirement that must be met prior to enrolling in the course.

Grading Method: If a course is offered on a grade-only or pass/no credit-only basis, that status is included in the course description. A department’s general pass/no credit policy is included in its listing of program requirements. Students should check the policy before enrolling in a course on a pass/no credit basis.

Frequency of Offering: Course descriptions may indicate how often the course is offered.


◎= Oral Intensive

◆ = Math/Critical Analysis Intensive

△ = Writing Intensive



  • MUS 246 - Brass Ensemble


    Open to all students by audition. Repertory selected to acquaint the student with representative literature from all periods. Offered each semester.

    Can be repeated for credit.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 247 - Woodwind Ensemble

    (1 S.H.)

    Ensembles: Open to all students by audition. Repertory selected to acquaint the student with representative literature from all periods.  Meets GOAL 6 (Fine Arts). Offered each semester.

    Can be repeated for credit.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 248 - Chamber Ensemble


    Open to all students by audition. Repertory selected to acquaint the student with representative literature from all periods. Offered each semester.

    Can be repeated for credit.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 249 - Vocal Chamber Ensemble


    Open to all students by audition. Repertory selected to acquaint the student with representative literature from all periods. Offered each semester.

    Can be repeated for credit.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 250 - Sight Singing

    (2 S.H.)

    Study in aural perception of interval and rhythmic relationships. Prerequisite: Knowledge of musical notation. Offered occasionally.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 256 - Jazz Improvisation II

    (2 S.H.)

    This course is the second of a four-part sequence in jazz improvisation. II-V-I progression in major and minor keys and advanced blues. Prerequisite: MUS 255 - Jazz Improvisation I  or equivalent. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 261 - Individual Instruction: Piano

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 262 - Individual Instruction: Voice

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 263 - Individual Instruction: Strings

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 264 - Individual Instruction: Woodwinds

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 265 - Individual Instruction: Brass

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 266 - Individual Instruction: Percussion

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 270 - Jazz Piano - Individual Instruction

    (1 S.H. only)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 298 - Foundations and Principles of Music Education

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of the historical foundations and principles of music education. Examination of selected current topics in music education. Prerequisite: MUS 202 - Theory II  or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 301 - Orchestration and Instrumentation

    (2 S.H.)

    Study of techniques, ranges, and timbre of instruments. Fundamentals of scoring for band and orchestra. Prerequisite: MUS 304 - Theory IV . Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 303 - Theory III

    (4 S.H.)

    Study of modulation, borrowed chords, Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords, applied to four-part writing. Study of simple part forms, variation technique, two-voice 18th century counterpoint, and invention form applied to composition. Further development of aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 202 - Theory II  and a declared music major. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 304 - Theory IV

    (4 S.H.)

    Study of chromatic harmony applied to four-part writing. Study of fugue, rondo, and sonata form applied to composition. Exploration of romantic, impressionist, early 20th century (12-tone technique and set theory), and contemporary music from a theoretical point of view. Further development of aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 303 - Theory III  and a declared music major. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 311 - Woodwind Techniques I

    (1 S.H.)

    Class instruction in flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, and bassoon. History, literature, and teaching methods for the music major or minor. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 312 - String Techniques I

    (1 S.H.)

    Class instruction in violin, viola, cello, and bass. History, literature, and teaching methods for the music major or minor. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 313 - Percussion Techniques I

    (1 S.H.)

    Class instruction in percussion instruments. History, literature, and teaching methods for the music major or minor. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 314 - Brass Techniques I

    (1 S.H.)

    Class instruction in cornet, trumpet, horn, trombone, and tuba. History, literature, and teaching methods for the music major or minor. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 315 - Guitar Methods

    (2 S.H.)

    Class instruction in guitar and other fretted instruments. History, literature, and teaching methods for music major or minor. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 317 - Jazz in the Schools

    (1 S.H.)

    n overview of the tools necessary for educators to function in a jazz performance/jazz pedagogy context within secondary school music programs. Prerequisite: MUS 202 - Theory II : Music Theory II. Offered every other year.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 320 - Music for Elementary Teachers

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of the fundamentals of music and methods for teaching music in the kindergarten and elementary grades. Students with an adequate background in music should consider MUS 322 - Classroom Music Methods I  as an alternate to this course. Prerequisite: Admission to the Professional Education Sequence. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 322 - Classroom Music Methods I

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of material and methods for classroom music instruction in the public schools. Not applicable toward the BA degree. Prerequisite: Admission to the Professional Education Sequence or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 323 - Secondary Music Methods

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of material and methods for music in the secondary school. Not applicable toward the BA degree. Prerequisites: Successful completion of guitar and piano proficiencies and admission to the Professional Education Sequence. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 332 - Classroom Music Methods II

    (3 S.H.)

    Advanced study of materials and methods for elementary music instruction. Development and application of skills and techniques needed to successfully teach elementary general music. Advanced study of materials and methods for classroom music instruction. Development and application of skills and techniques needed to successfully teach classroom music. Prerequisites: MUS 322 - Classroom Music Methods I , successful completion of guitar and piano proficiencies, and admission to the Professional Education Sequence or permission from the instructor. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 334 - Jazz Piano Class

    (2 S.H.)

    Basics of jazz harmony and theory as they relate to the piano in a functional context (for non-pianists). Prerequisite: MUS 235 - Class Piano II  or the successful completion of the piano proficiency exam, or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 335 - Class Piano III

    (2 S.H.)

    Final course of a sequence designed to develop and strengthen basic keyboard and musicianship skills in preparation for the Piano Proficiency Examination. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 337 - Accompanying

    (1-2 S.H.)

    Survey of accompanying techniques and styles. Assignment to specific accompanying duties. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered each semester.

    May be repeated up to total of 6 credits.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 341 - Woodwind Techniques II

    (1 S.H.)

    Continuation of the study of woodwind instruments. The course emphasizes pedagogical principles and materials available for the beginning level through high school including solo literature and small ensemble repertoire. Prerequisite: MUS 311 - Woodwind Techniques I  or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 342 - String Techniques II

    (1 S.H.)

    Continuation of the study of percussion instruments. The course emphasizes pedagogical principles and materials available for the beginning level through high school including solo literature and small ensemble repertoire. Prerequisite: MUS 312 - String Techniques I  or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 343 - Percussion Techniques II

    (1 S.H.)

    Continuation of the study of percussion instruments. The course emphasizes pedagogical principles and materials available for the beginning level through high school including solo literature and small ensemble repertoire. Prerequisite: MUS 313 - Percussion Techniques I  or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 344 - Brass Techniques II

    (1 S.H.)

    Continuation of the study of brass instruments. The course emphasizes pedagogical principles and materials available for the beginning level through high school including solo literature and small ensemble repertoire. Prerequisite: MUS 314 - Brass Techniques I  or instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • △ MUS 351 - Music from Antiquity through the Baroque Period

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of the development of music from antiquity through approximately 1750. Heritage and central concepts of medieval theory and the rise of individual composers in the Renaissance. Study of multi-movement forms from the cyclic polyphonic mass to opera, oratorio, and early instrumental genres. Prerequisite: MUS 304 - Theory IV ; instructor’s permission required for non-major. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • △ MUS 352 - Music from the Classical Period to the Present

    (3 S.H.)

    Study of the development of music from c.1750 to the present day. Significant works of the growing art-music repertoire and careers of important composers. Changing roles of form and harmonic language, proliferating responses to the changing role of art music. Prerequisites: MUS 304 - Theory IV  and △ MUS 351 - Music from Antiquity through the Baroque Period ; instructor’s permission required for non-major. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 355 - Jazz Improvisation III

    (2 S.H.)

    This course is the third of a four-part sequence in jazz improvisation. Altered dominant 7th chords, diminished scales, modes of harmonic and melodic (jazz) minor. Prerequisite: MUS 256 - Jazz Improvisation II  or equivalent. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 356 - Jazz Improvisation IV

    (2 S.H.)

    Analysis of compositions as to form, melodic, and harmonic structure. Students write original compositions modeled after works analyzed. Prerequisite: MUS 355 - Jazz Improvisation III  or equivalent. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 361 - Individual Instruction: Piano

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 362 - Individual Instruction: Voice

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 363 - Individual Instruction: Strings

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 364 - Individual Instruction: Woodwinds

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 365 - Individual Instruction: Brass

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 366 - Individual Instruction: Percussion

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 370 - Jazz Piano - Individual Instruction

    (1 S.H. only)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 375 - Fundamentals of Music Business

    (3 S.H.)

    Introduction to the skills and concepts required for success in the music industry, including artist management, copyright and intellectual property, record deals, music publishing, touring, merchandising, entrepreneurship, and technology. Offered alternate years.


    Course Registration

  • MUS 399 - Music Internship

    (10 S.H.)

    Supervised experience in music business or industry designed by music faculty advisor, work supervisor, and student. Prerequisites: Successful completion of required music and business courses with a 2.5 GPA or better. P/NC only. Offered each semester.

    Course Registration

  • ◆ MUS 402 - Form & Analysis

    (3 S.H.)

    Analysis of compositions as to form, melodic, and harmonic structure. Students write original compositions modeled after works analyzed. Prerequisite: MUS 304 - Theory IV . Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 406 - Conducting: Advanced Score Study

    (1 S.H.)

    Advanced techniques of conducting choral and instrumental groups. Prerequisites: MUS 306 - Conducting II  and instructor’s permission. Offered yearly.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 415 - Vocal Pedagogy

    (2 S.H.)

    Techniques and methodologies of voice instruction. Current trends in vocal pedagogy. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 416 - Piano Pedagogy

    (2 S.H.)

    Survey of schools of playing and teaching throughout the course of the piano’s development. Analysis and comparison of 20th century teaching methods and historical anthologies. Special unit addressing beginner’s needs. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered in a three-year rotation.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 417 - Instrumental Pedagogy for the Applied Studio

    (1 S.H.)

    Techniques and methodologies of instrumental instruction. Each section focuses on a specific instrument/instrument group. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered based on demand.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 422 - Choral Ensemble Methods

    (2 S.H.)

    Criteria for selection of vocal music, examination of representative music suitable for groups at various levels of development, principals of programming, rehearsal techniques, and organization. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 425 - Ensemble Methods

    (2 S.H.)

    A professional training course for students preparing to teach instrumental music. Study of the philosophy, pedagogy, and administrative concerns of teaching instrumental ensembles at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered alternate years.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 435 - Wind Instrument Repair

    (2 S.H.)

    Care, maintenance, and repair of woodwind and brass instruments. Offered based on demand.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 440 - American Art Music

    (3 S.H.)

    Music in America from the time of the Puritans to the present day. Historical, biographical material, and listening. For the general student as well as for music majors and minors. Prerequisite: MUS 109 - Introduction to Music  or equivalent. Offered occasionally.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 456 - Music Theatre Production

    (1-3 S.H.)

    Study of representative operas and musical plays and production problems. Performance of scenes and/or complete works.

    Can be repeated up to eight credits.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 461 - Individual Instruction: Piano

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 462 - Individual Instruction: Voice

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 463 - Individual Instruction: Strings

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 464 - Individual Instruction: Strings

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 464 - Individual Instruction: Woodwinds

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 465 - Individual Instruction: Brass

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 466 - Individual Instruction: Percussion

    (1 or 2 S.H.)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 470 - Jazz Piano - Individual Instruction

    (1 S.H. only)

    Weekly instruction in primary and secondary instrument study. Students develop technical skills, sight reading ability and musicianship through study of assigned repertoire and exercises. A juried exam at the end of the semester will assess if the student may advance to the next level of lessons: students generally complete two semesters at each level of study before advancing. Credit is variable in the 160, 260, 360 and 460 series. Half-hour lessons receive one semester hour credit. One-hour lessons receive two semester hour credits. Prerequisite:  Instructor’s permission.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 472 - Survey of Vocal Literature II (German)

    (2 S.H.)

    Lieder of Schubert, Schumann, Franz, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Strauss, Wolf, and others. Offered in a three-year rotation.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 473 - Survey of Vocal Literature III (French)

    (2 S.H.)

    Representative French songs of Faure, Duparc, Chausson, Debussy, Poulenc, and others. Offered in a three-year rotation.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 477 - Piano Literature I

    (2 S.H.)

    Appropriate early keyboard and piano literature of the Baroque and classical periods. Performance and analysis of forms, genres, style and primary composers are studied. Includes discussion of the history of the piano’s development. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered in a three-year rotation.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 478 - Piano Literature II

    (2 S.H.)

    Piano literature of the Romantic period (including brief look at Nationalism). Continued developments in instrumental design of piano discussed. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered in a three-year rotation.

    Course Registration

  • ◎ MUS 479 - Piano Literature III

    (2 S.H.)

    Piano literature of the Impressionistic and Contemporary (early 20th century to the present) periods. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Offered in a three-year rotation.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 480 - Recital

    (1-2 S.H.)

    Half recital (1 S.H.) or full recital (2 S.H.) of representative literature.  Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in 300- or 400-level lessons for half recital or 400-level lessons for full recital.

    May be repeated for credit.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 490 - Music for Today’s Schools: New Ideas in Music Education

    (1-3 S.H.)

    This course consists of workshops presenting new ideas or theories, elaborating on new trends in music education, and offering guidelines for improving public school music programs. Course content changes each year.

    May be repeated for credit.

    Course Registration

  • MUS 491 - Independent Studies in Music

    (1-6 S.H.)

    Course designed to offer advanced students the opportunity to work in a music area of special interest to them. Prerequisite: Department’s permission. Offered each semester.

    May be taken for or repeated up to six credits.

    Course Registration


  • NURS 120 - Introduction to the Health Professions

    (3 S.H.)

    Examines the practice and politics of the health and health-related disciplines within the U.S. health care system. Explores entering the health care professions and also how to be an astute consumer of health care. P/NC option.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 260 - Women’s Health Issues

    (3 S.H.)

    A study of contemporary issues in women’s health focusing on historical aspects, current significance, and future trends of each issue. Focus is on preparing students to make their own health care decisions. P/NC option.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 302 - CNAT: Care of the Adult Client (Baccalaureate RN Completion)

    (6 S.H.) (Baccalaureate RN Completion)

    Demonstration of knowledge through an exam focusing on the nursing care of clients in a variety of settings and at various stages of the wellness-illness continuum. Items also assess nursing skills in meeting physiologic and psychosocial needs of clients with stable conditions. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 304 - CNAT: Care of Client During Childbearing

    (6 S.H.) (Baccalaureate RN Completion)

    Demonstration of knowledge through an exam focusing on nursing care during the antepartal, intrapartal, and neonatal periods. Emphasis is on the normal, with some common complications. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 306 - CNAT: Care of the Child

    (6 S.H.) (Baccalaureate RN Completion)

    Demonstration of knowledge through an exam concerned with nursing care of children of all ages at various stages of health and illness. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 308 - CNAT: Care of the Client with a Mental Disorder

    (6 S.H.) (Baccalaureate RN Completion)

    Demonstration of knowledge through an exam addressing the broad spectrum of psychological wellness-illness. The content includes psychosocial assessment and intervention strategies to support the client’s strengths. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 325 - Transcultural Issues in Health Care

    (3 S.H.) (Elective)

    Explores the importance of transcultural concepts that are present in health care delivery systems. It is designed to help learners increase awareness of all types of human diversity, understand the importance of these diverse differences, and incorporate ways of utilizing this knowledge to deliver culturally competent health care in all settings within the global community. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or instructor’s permission. P/NC option.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 341 - Therapeutic Applications of Nursing Skills and Health Assessment

    (4 S.H.- 2 S.H. theory, 2 S.H. lab)

    Develops the skills and assessments necessary for nursing care of individuals and families in professional nursing practice. Prerequisites: Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program Generic Option. Pre/co-requisite: NURS 343 - Professional Practice I .

    Course Registration

  • NURS 344 - Leadership in Basic Nursing Practice

    (2 S.H.)

    Explores professional values, ethics, standards and leadership development of nurses. After successful completion of this course, students will articulate their professional nursing philosophy. Prerequisites: Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program Generic Option.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 360 - Pharmacology

    (2 S.H.)

    Introduces the fundamental principles of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapy, adverse drug reactions, major drug classes, and related implications for individuals receiving drugs. Nursing students will incorporate various systems of measurement, conversion between systems, and calculation of drug dosage and rates. Prerequisites: Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program Generic Option, elective for RN-BS completion option, or consent of instructor.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 361 - Pharmacology for Non-Nursing Majors

    (1 S.H.)

    Introduces the fundamental principles of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapy, adverse drug reactions, major drug classes, and related implications for individuals receiving drugs. This 1-S.H. pharmacology course is available for non-nursing majors only.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 366 - Pathophysiology

    (3 S.H.)

    Focuses on the systematic study of the functional changes in cells, tissues, and organs altered by disease and/or injury and the effects that these changes have on the total body function. Pathophysiology will also focus on the mechanisms of the underlying disease thereby providing the background for preventive as well as therapeutic health care measures and practices. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology and the various organ systems of the body is an essential foundation for this course. Prerequisites: Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program Generic Option or consent of instructor.

    Course Registration

  • NURS 382 - A London Nursing History Tour

    (2 S.H.) (Elective)

    This travel program is an experiential enrichment course that provides nursing students with an opportunity to study nursing history and to compare nursing education programs and health care delivery systems of the United States and the United Kingdom. Students will also have the opportunity for historical sightseeing and museum tours. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission; NURS 444 - Leadership in Contemporary Health Care Settings  recommended. P/NC option.

    Course Registration


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