Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions include the following elements:

Course Code,  Number, and Titles: The course code indicates the department or program in which the course is housed. The course number indicates the level at which the course should be taken. Undergraduate students who need 12 or fewer semester credits to complete all baccalaureate degree requirements may request permission from the Director of Graduate Studies to take courses for graduate credit to complete a regular course load during the semester of  graduation. However, undergraduate students may not enroll in courses at the 600-level or 700-level.

Credits: The number of semester hours of credit given upon completion of the course.

Course Description: A brief description of subject matter gives students an idea of what to expect in the course.

Prerequisites: If required or recommended, a prerequisite is either a course that must be completed prior to enrolling in the course or some other requirement that must be met prior to enrolling in the course.

Corequisites: If required or recommended, a corequisite is a course that must be taken concurrently with another course.

Grading Method: If a course is offered on a grade-only or pass/no credit-only (P/NC) basis, that status is included in the course description. A department’s general pass/no credit policy is included in its listing of program requirements. Students should check the policy before enrolling in a course on a pass/no credit basis.

Frequency of Offering: Course descriptions may indicate how often the course is offered.

Repeatability: Repeatability indicates if the course is repeatable for credit and up to how many times.


◆ = Math/Critical Analysis Intensive

△ = Writing Intensive






Business Education




Child, Adolescent and Advocacy Studies


Computer Science


Counselor Education


Data Science




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